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a full, vocally
mature sound.
Oliver Brett - Bachtrack.com
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Media Gallery
Netherlands & Belgium Tour December 2023
California Tour December 2023
USA Tour April 2023
Netherlands Tour December 2022
Denmark Tour April 2022
Iceland Tour September 2021
UK Tour June 2021
University of Macau Asia 19
Concert at Patrimonio Real Monasterio de San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Spain 19
Concert at Festival de Las Navas Marques, Spain 19
Canada, USA & Mexico
The Choir undertook one of the their most exciting tours yet to Canada, USA and Mexico with many debut performances!
Christmas Tour - 'Winter's Night' 2018
USA December 2017
Switzerland - September 2017
Netherlands - December 2016
Far East Tour - September 2016
Paris Tour - June-July 2016
USA Tour - December 2015
Netherlands Tour - December 2014
The Choir returns for a concert tour across the country, with a day off in Amsterdam!
USA Tour: Southern States - September 2014
The second USA tour of the year sees the Choir travel through Atlanta, Memphis and Dallas, with time off to visit Graceland, home of Elvis Presley.
Malta Tour - Summer 2014
One of the our most 'relaxing' tours in recent years, the Choir's multiple concerts across the island were interspersed with numerous days at the beach!
EUBO Tour - Summer 2014
Our second collaboration with the European Union Baroque Orchestra under the baton of Lars Ulrik Mortensen saw engagements in Rotterdam, Luxembourg and Nantes.
Long Melford, Suffolk
Our Christmas Concert in the beautiful Church of Long Melford in Suffolk
Australia Tour 2012
Tour of Australia with the Australian Chamber Orchestra performing Beethoven's Ninth Symphony
Netherlands, December 2011
Bordeaux, June 2011
USA, September 2010
Israel, December 2009
New York, December 2009
Germany, July 2009
Europe, December 2005