Clare’s musical life

is so rich and varied

Nicholas Rimmer, pianist, former Organ Scholar (2000-03)


USA December 2017 Tour Blog: Day 7

Date: Tuesday 12 December 2017 8.15pm


Dear Blog,


Early on Tuesday morning, still revelling in the success of our ChoreoClearyÒ debut in Raleigh, our hosts dropped us off at the airport ready for yet another day of experiencing the best of America in flights and coach journeys.


After ticking off another state in our brief stop at Washington Dulles International Airport, VA, we gleefully boarded the second plane of the day to Burlington, VT, safe in the knowledge that “there’s not much there” (in the words of our Raleigh host). Upon landing in Vermont, we were all profoundly relieved to be able to regain our Instagram reputation with photos of snow infinitely deeper, prettier and colder than any we had witnessed in the boastful Facebook messages some of us had received from our family and friends back in the UK. Ha.


En route to St Johnsbury, we had perhaps the most interesting, exciting and intellectually stimulating learning experience of our entire Cambridge journey so far: a tour of the Ben & Jerry’s factory. James “oh boy” Tour Guide treated us to a plethora of cow-related puns and jokes with such animated glee: the job-satisfaction he clearly felt was inspirational to us all, and whilst a number of us are considering changing career paths as a result of the extensive 30-minute tour we received, Howard “cows don’t have toes” Winfield proved himself as particularly suited to such a lifestyle.


Despite the -9°c (and dropping) temperature outside, CCCCC stood our ground as the valiant heroes that we are and just about managed to consume the free ice-cream that was so enthusiastically presented to us. Liam “Northerner” Goddard assured us that a t-shirt and cargo trousers with no coat were perfectly adequate attire for the ensuing freezing weather, and as if all this didn’t make us cold enough already, Helena “ice queen” Mackie et al proceeded to forgo the warmth and imminent pizza of the United Community Church North in order to take part in the second violent snowball fight of our time in VT.


Post-pizza, our evening was rounded off with a visit to a bar down the road from the church before we each set off to our respective homestays. The over-21s amongst us had the pleasure of sampling such appetisingly-named local beveragesas ‘Hermit Thrush’, whilst those that were underage stuck to lemonade, of course.