If it weren't for

Clare, I wouldn't

be the singer

I am today

Elin Manahan Thomas, soprano (1995-98)


Joint Concert with The Maîtrise Notre-Dame de Paris

Date: Saturday 02 July 2016 7.30pm


This week we collaborate in an exciting exchange programme with La Maîtrise de La Cathédrale Notre Dame de Paris with performances in PARIS and CAMBRIDGE. Together both choirs perform a programme of French repertoire spanning the centuries, from Josquin des Prez and Pierre de la Rue to 20th century works by Poulenc, Langlais, Fauré and Messiaen. The first performance takes place this Thursday in Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris (http://www.musique-sacree-notredamedeparis.fr/…), before both choirs return to Cambridge together to perform the programme again in the Chapel of Clare College on Saturday evening (7.30pm, tickets £15 on the door), with a choral Eucharist in Chapel on Sunday morning (10.45am, free admission). All warmly encouraged to attend this wonderful European collaboration.