The Choir were
the highlight of
the symphony.
As the newest members of the choir, the pressure/prestige of writing a blog so early in our tenure weighs heavily on our shoulders. Happily we were fortunate enough to have witnessed an eventful, amusing and fulfilling day.
Tuesday 23rd September 2014 was the day that Robin Culshaw finally decided to grace us with his presence having recovered from his illness. We waved goodbye to our homestays and left the red hills of Georgia behind for the Seventh-Day Adventist Church, Collegedale in the volunteer state. After a two hour coach journey, we arrived at our destination and were treated to a seemingly endless quantity of food. To the dismay of many members of the choir, all of the options were vegetarian according to the creed of our hosts.
Following lunch, the warm-weather pre-season training camp of the C.C.C.C.C.A.F.C took council and the chance for the four new members of the choir to lay claim to the remaining first team spaces for the forthcoming season. The 'match' left many members of the 'squad' quite sunburnt - a factor not taken into account when 'training' on Jesus Green. Many of the less actively inclined members of the choir seized this opportunity to top up their tans.
We then took a break from football to remember why we were actually in America, and were surprised to find ourselves in a church cum concert venue which seated 1800. The centrepiece of this impressive space was a large and shiny organ which our organ scholar handled with great panache. His task for the evening was made much more difficult due to the lack of pistons. So (wait for it...) he really had to pull out all the stops!
Anyway after more food and football, it was finally time for the concert which was met with much enthusiasm. We were all treated like rock stars with our very own Graham Ross being asked for autographs and #markwilliamsalto becoming a 'thing'.
Upon our arrival at our hotel and subsequent discovery of a liquor store, the choir enjoyed a hearty libation as this most auspicious day drew to a close in the early hours.
That's all folks!
Mark Williams (2014-15 Lay Clerk) and Matthew Nixon (2014 Bass)