The Choir
is a whopping jewel
in Clare's musical
The alarm clock hit them like a train. The C train rushed into the subway station like a train. The airport train rushed to Newark Airport at the speed of a train. They got off the train onto another train which took them to the terminal, where they got on a plane. That was when the lack of sleep hit. Like a train.
They were meant to drive to Atlanta to look around and have lunch but because of the blizzard they had to abort. Tears ensued. Luckily the international cuisine at Atlanta airport was full of fresh fruit and vegetables to keep nutrition levels high. But there were more disasters to follow.
It turns out America DVD players are allergic to British Christmas movies. Love Actually and both Bridget Jones failed to play on the coach entertainment system. Fortunately, Mark ‘Life-saver’ Driver had brought the christmas classic S.W.A.T.: Firefight (2011). The family values in this film warmed the cockles of our hearts like tepid eggnog. As one would expect with such a recently made film, the provocative interrogation of gendered spectatorship shattered Hollywood's’ traditional ‘male gaze’ (sorry Graham).
After we arrived in Columbus we made excellent use of our rehearsal time, getting to grips with two of the most demanding pieces in our programme: John Rutter’s What Sweeter Music and the infamous Ding Dong Merrily on High. After all this hard work we needed a drink, which was provided with dinner by the wonderful Columbusites (sic).
We were immensely grateful for our luxurious accommodation in the Marriott hotel - and for the long night’s sleep that followed.
Lydia Allain Chapman (Dec Sop 1)
Tom Ashton (Dec Bass 1)