No part of my
College life that
gave me more
enjoyment than
belonging to
the Choir
Choir of Clare College are delighted to continue bringing music to our followers during Lockdown!
Clare Music Mondays series: a weekly online offering for members of our College community and the wider public, featuring performances given by Clare musicians past and present - some of which are recorded specially during this lockdown from their homes.
Performances will be released every Monday throughout the Lent Term, published on the Choir of Clare College’s social media pages and YouTube channel.
ClareCasts: a weekly online series from the Chapel and Choir, featuring readings, reflections and prayers from Clare members, as well as beautiful choral pieces from the Choir's archives.
ClareCasts will be released every Friday at 5pm throughout the Lent Term, published on the Choir of Clare College’s social media pages and YouTube channel.