Such a friendly, 

family atmosphere

with such talented

and varied


David Dunnett, organist, former Organ Scholar (1980-83)


Easter Term

Date: Tuesday 21 April 2015 11.30am


The Choir returns to its beloved Chapel on Thursday for the first Choral Evensong of the Easter Term.  This forthcoming term and summer vacation sees the première of newly commissioned anthems from Matthew Martin and Graham Ross, concerts and a special service to commemorate the centenary of the death of former Clare Organ Scholar William Denis Browne who was killed at Gallipoli in 1915, and a further recording of works for Easter for the Choir’s ongoing series for Harmonia Mundia USA.
The College Choir continues to webcast weekly on This major new initiative for the Choir and the College has received some wonderful feedback from supporters and listeners across the globe – do have a listen to a service if you have not had the opportunity to do so.