A College so rich

in musical talent

Timothy Brown, conductor, former Director of Music (1979-2010)


December Christmas Tour 2016

Date: Saturday 24 December 2016 10.00am


“All good things must come to an end”
- Geoffrey Chaucer, Troilus and Criseyde
“Th-th-that’s all folks!”
- Porky Pig, Looney Tunes
On the final day of choir tour, Herr Graham gave to me:
Twelve Days of Christmas - to rapturous applause from our best audience yet
Eleven Units of Regret - Hession drinks his way to a whisky-induced hangover, moments he would rather forget, and a Euro70 bar bill
Ten Rounds of Bumming - in the yard outside the church
Nine Ographies of Graham - Our Great Leader took actions in certain pieces too far, and forgot how Christ is the Morning Star went
Eight ‘O’ Antiphons - Sung for the final time of the Christmas Season
Seven Organ Issues - Including a particularly startling opening to the Howells Gloucester MagnificatSix Portions of Slagroom - Hot chocolate is nothing without a healthy dose of slagroom
Five Dodgy Presents - Secret Santa this year included whips, collars, handcuffs and worse
Four Free Hours - to explore the shops and markets of Nijmegen
Three Can Basses - softening “g”s and aspirating “w”s with festive fervour
Two Spoiled Secrets - The unbilled performance of “A Spotless Rose” and the identity of Toby’s Secret Santa (Josh)
One incredible end to an unforgettable week in the Netherlands
Merry Christmas from Josh (Dec Tenor Too) and Toby (Can Bass Spare / Human Keyboard), currently in a 3-hour check-in queue at Amsterdam Airport