If it weren't for
Clare, I wouldn't
be the singer
I am today
Today heralds the Choir's live BBC Radio 3 Choral Evensong broadcast from Clare Chapel, featuring music almost exclusively related to Clare: the first broadcasts of both Nico Muhly's 'Let all the world in every corner sing' and current Clare undergraduate Joshua Pacey's Preces and Responses, both written for the Choir in 2014; the Canticles in A by William Denis Browne, former Clare Organ Scholar, killed at Gallipoli in 1915; Herbert Howells' 'The fear of the Lord', commissioned for the College's 650th anniversary in 1976; the hymn 'How shall I sing that majesty', with words by Clare alumnus John Mason; and 'A Clare Benediction' by Clare alumnus and former Director of Music John Rutter.
Tune in live on BBC Radio 3 on Wednesday, 19 November, 3.30pm, or online: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b04p54d8