An opportunity not
to be missed
Clare College has a vacancy for an Alto Lay Clerk to commence in late September 2021 on a fixed term contract of twelve months. The Lay Clerkship is open to appications from Altos, Mezzo-Sopranos and Countertenors. To sing in the College Choir for 3 services per week during full term (Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday), with a rehearsal on Wednesday evening and additional services as and when. These include two or three Compline services per term, plus special services such as Ash Wednesday Vigil, Vigil for All Souls’ Day, Evensong for College Parents’ Day and Advent Carol Services.
The postholder will receive all the benefits of a Choral Scholarship at Clare, including free singing lessons with one of the College's singing teachers, free travel for concerts, recordings, broadcasts and foreign tours, and free dinner in Hall on Sundays after evensong.
The successful applicant will be paid £3,200 inclusive of holiday pay.
Application procedure:
Candidates should send their CV (including details of thier voice part), details of referees and covering letter by Friday 4 June 2021. Interviews and auditions for short-listed candidates will be held on Wednesday 16 June 2021 and can take place either in person in Clare College Chapel or online as per the applicants' wishes with the Director of Music, Graham Ross. Short-listed candidates will be asked to prepare a piece of thier choice lasting no longer than 5 minutes, and will be given some aural and sight-reading tests. An accompanist will be provided.
Job Description and Person Specification